Anthony Gormley

Horizon Field, ‘where do human beings fit into the scheme of things.’ This is one of the most impressive pieces of instillation art. The raw sculptures, left just as they are out of the mold, left in the hills to face the whether and elements just like humans had to hundreds of years ago. The hundred sculptures that are all made out of the same mold, allowing Anthony Gormley to place almost identical works all over the Himalayan landscape, really igniting peoples imagination. With people having to find these figures that stand alone but at the same time part of a  larger mass. I think that Anthony Gormley really capture the human essence by doing this. If you really think about it that’s what were all trying to do,we all want to be an indevidual but also always trying to fit in to a group whether it be geeks, rockers or any other group.

I really like this work because it is going to always just be growing and molding into the landscape as they rust and moss grows upon them. As this happens the work will become more visually impressive.

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