Shiein Neshat

‘People should be free to choose what they want to do with there lives, what they want to wear, what religion they want to believe in; this is not something a government or community should impose.’

Shirin Neshat was born on the 26th of march 1957 in Iran. She is well known for her work in film, video and photography, her work referring to the social, cultural and religious code of the muslin society. She is very bold with her work, this has brought her allot of attention on the art scene, not all the attention has been positive. The fact that she questions allot about the muslin and Iran’s community and how they act has been very controversial, but she has done so by creating stunning images. She is best known for her photos that she then writes on top of with traditional writing. Even though i cant read this writing the images still bring up allot of emotions in me, everything from pittey to sorrow. This has tough me allot, it has shown to me that if you are using text in a piece of work it doesn’t always matter what it says, just where you place it and how you write it on the work that can really effect the mood of the piece. From now I will think allot more about how i construct and build up my art to get the desired look.

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